
Damien Rice 的 “The Blower’s Daughter”是電影 “Closer”的主題曲,這部電影談不上好看或是難看,看完只想輕輕嘆一口氣,然後隨著Damien Rice帶點哀戚和掙扎的歌聲,旋開一直被緊緊收藏的記憶開關,一點一滴在獨處的時候流竄。


中間的片段我已經忘記,但是隨著這首歌,卻始終忘不了這兩個鏡頭,強烈比照下的坦然相對。”Hello Stranger!”是娜塔莉對裘德洛說的第一句話,俏皮地解釋兩個陌生人一連串碰觸的開始,娜塔莉曾經對裘德洛愛得如癡如狂,然而裘德洛根本連娜塔莉真實身份都不知道,只在意她有沒有和別的男人上床。原來,看似相戀的他們無法坦承相對,交疊的更是一段沒有信任的關係,於是他們又變成Strangers,只是好像曾經發生了什麼故事的兩個陌生人。

我可以反覆聽“The Blower’s Daughter”一整天,純粹享受矛盾掙扎、破蛹而出的轉折,想起發生在自己身上一段又一段相似的過程,回盪在記憶的長廊,如此真實又如此虛幻,就像Damien Rice顫抖地唱著:

The shorter story
No love, no glory
No hero in her sky

然後,告訴自己”And So it is”


The Blower's Daughter
                                               By Damien Rice

And so it is
Just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
Most of the time
And so it is (he has)
The shorter story
No love, no glory
No hero in her sky

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes...

And so it is (he has)
Just like you said it should be-
We'll both forget the breeze
Most of the time
And so it is (he has)
The colder water
The blower's daughter
The pupil in denial

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes...

Did I say that I loathe you?
Did I say that I want to
Leave it all behind?

I can't take my mind off of you
My mind...
Till I find somebody new


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